Our offer

We shape and change human behaviours and experiences, as well as organisations' functions and procedures. In our projects, we combine diverse scientific disciplines: management, psychology, economics, sociology and linguistics. We use them at every stage of our work: when identifying needs, designing and implementing solutions and when testing their effectiveness.


Our offer

Tworzymy rozwiązania zorientowane na użytkownika


You can either rely on experience and intuition or on guesswork and take risks. We do things differently. While developing solutions – we study the target audience. You can either rely on experience and intuition or on guesswork and take risks. We do things differently. While developing solutions – we study the target audience. We see how people and companies operate, how they make decisions, experience things, use things and what they need, to do better and achieve their goals. Thanks to this we can offer effective and unique products, services and market strategies. The modern world is made up of countless ecosystems. Industries such as the labour market, healthcare, education and housing influence each other particularly strongly. At EGO we observe, analyse and explain social and economic processes. We also evaluate government policies that support business development and innovation, infrastructure development and social policy at national and regional levels.

Poświęcamy dużo czasu, aby dogłębnie zrozumieć problem, jego kontekst oraz potrzeby i motywacje klientów. Prowadzimy badania, analizy, ekspertyzy, obserwacje uczestniczące, ale też eksperymenty, analizy semiotyczne i językowe czy gry strategiczne. Organizujemy panele ekspertów, sesje kreatywne, strategiczne i implementacyjne zarówno dla specjalistów, jak i użytkowników produktów i usług. Robimy testy, tworzymy prototypy i stres testy. Wszystko po to, by przekształcić dobre pomysły w genialne rozwiązania. Nie tylko spełniamy oczekiwania naszych klientów. Przede wszystkim staramy się przekraczać ograniczenia, które stawia przed nimi rzeczywistość. Współtworzymy z nimi rozwiązania, które są dostępne, intuicyjne, ergonomiczne, zrównoważone i użyteczne.

Design and testing

We take the time necessary to gain an in-depth understanding of the problem, its context and the needs and motivations of our clients. We hold expert panels, creative, strategy and implementation sessions for both clients and product and service users. We develop prototypes and conduct tests to transform good ideas into brilliant solutions. We not only meet our clients’ expectations but co-create solutions with them that are accessible, intuitive, ergonomic, sustainable and useful.

Tworzymy rozwiązania z myślą o złożoności i przyszłości

Innovation development in organisations

Many organisations are feeling the increasing pressure from dynamic changes in their environment. They want to see an opportunity for positive change in society and to contribute to it. At EGO, we help organisations adapt their way of working in order to create innovative solutions that will be adopted by their customers. We provide advice on how to use modern technology wisely, how to manage innovation and how to respond to changing

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